Our Impact:
cleaner, healther, indoor environments
10,000+ indoor air quality projects completed since 2003

Our work experience is hyper-diverse in terms of the types of clients, facilities, and circumstances. This experience, and the fact that we inspect, test, measure, document, interpret, report and communicate on every aspect of every project is a major distinguishing advantage.
The ability to effectively and accurately inspect/test/diagnose indoor environmental conditions requires a comprehensive understanding of building science, laboratory analytical process, limitations and QC implications, and more. Entry level employees don’t have the experience to complete quality investigations accurately.
Other environmental companies operate with a much more traditional business structure where technician level employees (2-4 year degree recent graduates) provide site reconnaissance, testing and field measurements, which are then interpreted and subsequently conveyed to the client (the report) by a higher level individual.
Hello friend. I’m Matt DaRin, the Founder and Lead Scientist at Bluepoint Environmental, with over 20 years of industry experience. Throughout my career, I have consulted on many of the most complex catastrophic property damage events since Hurricane Katrina in 2005.
I am a leader in indoor air quality testing. I provide design/building consulting services to some of the world’s top construction companies. Additionally, I have been a partner in multi-institutional research teams. Over the years, I’ve developed processes for improving human health through advancements in building testing and construction systems.
I graduated from the SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry where I continue my academic studies and research as a PhD Candidate. I am a board member of the American Council for Accredited Certification (ACAC) and maintain numerous licensed and professional certifications in the industry.
Matt DaRin
Founder & Lead Scientist

We have formed a team of research and industry professionals to help improve the ability to detect and characterize fungal bioaerosols in indoor environments. The goal of this collaboration is to develop the integration of macroarray analytical techniques and technology in a commercial laboratory, and ultimately make this technology available to the broader indoor air quality marketplace.
IAQ Labs / Analysis
Fungal Analytical Services
Mold Testing (Air & Surface) Testing
Culturable & Non-Culturable Lab Analyses
Direct Microscopic Exam Spore Trap Analysis